First Writing Prompt of 2019.

Quick life update: I made it to another year!

I am actually quite ecstatic to be tapping on this keyboard. I’ve been out of sorts lately. So much has happened and everything was as overwhelming as the holidays that came and went along with it. But here I am, and yes, my inner writer is screaming in glee, because the yellow lining has ignited her passion once again.

New beginnings rarely take normal people out of slumps, but boy, do they work on me. The coming of another year reminded me that I have another shot at being anything but mediocre, anything but a walking time bomb waiting to happen. It’s a fresh cut, a brand new year to rekindle what had been ebbing away for some time. What better way to start a good streak than by writing? And what better way to break free from the tide than by riding through it?

Little steps, I tell myself. This new year comes with new promises, and they’d be written in bold.

This humble blog will never again take part in pity parties. I am better than my mental illness, and writing in a more positive light is the first step to prove that I am not all talk.

I vow to never tolerate what I do not deserve, be it toxic one sided relationships, snickers from the clueless, unsolicited advices from everybody with a superior complex, and the like. Never again. That shit is too lethal.

A healthier me is the way to be. That statement really just translates to getting fit. Nothing more to it.

Those who come early witness the entire show. Slacking off is no longer a thing–it will not make me feel better, nor will it gain me many friends. I have to–finally–learn to be punctual. It’s a simple case of respect, to be honest.

Lastly, I shall be kinder. Not only to the general public, but also to myself. I will look at myself with a newfound sense of admiration, a longing to continuously become the best version of myself. I may not leave this entire year happy, heck, I do not even know if I’ll make it out of here alive. But I know that if I did it once (or 21 times to be exact) then I could probably do it again.

I made it through one year.

I’ll make it through this one too.

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